Freitag, 13. Februar 2015

New York City 06.02.-08.02.15

Statue of Liberty on Staten Island

New York City at night

Friday we left with 3 coaches from Quantico to New York City. Thanks to Erin and Jon from NYPD. It’s a long tradition that the NYPD chapter (each session) organizes a field-trip to New York City. 

It was a long ride on Interstate 95. At New Jersey area we got escort by NYPD. Police cars with flashlights guided our three NA-busses in Manhattan.  We arrived New York City at 11pm and got accommodation at hotel „The Grand Westin“ 42nd street next door to Times Square.

NYPD escort everywhere
NYPD escort at hotel 
NYPD escort officer

Times Square next door
My roomate was Craig Richardson. We dropped off our luggage and went for a walk to Times Square. I was here two years ago – it’s everytime a hugh  amazing to feel the pulse of the city that doesn’t sleep. 

My U.S. roommate Craig

walk at Times Square - Brazil, France, U.S., Germany
At Times Square
Next morning we startet at 10 am to Brooklyn. Escorted by NYPD we got a sightseeing tour trough Manhattan.

My U.S. classmate from California - a real strong sportsman
always friendly, polite and helpful - NYPD officer, Craig and me

 NYPD Aviation unit is located at Floyd Bennet. When we arrived chief welcomed us and introduced his unit. They are responsible for helicopter services, emergency services, bomb-squad as well as marine rescue tasks up to 35 miles on the sea. After technic exhibition inside we got a helicopter rescue demonstration outside.


Jon and his brother - both NYPD officers

NYPD aviation chief and me

After lunch in shelter we were shuttled to NYPD Headquarters. A officer of NYPD welcomed us in auditorium. The NYPD is the largest department in the United States of America. We visited the Compstat room, Crime analysis center with real time crime operations unit and command room. Everything was well prepared. Speakers presented the purpose of Compstat for significant reducing of crime.

Welcome at NYPD Headquarters

classmate from Nigeria and me


auditorium at NYPD

entrance to Compstat center

situation report, crime anaylsis New York City

command room

 After interesting tour inside NYPD headquarters coaches carried us to hotel. The limited time-framework between the next scheduled data we used for ourselves. I picked up my buddies of Brazil, Hongkong, Vietnam, U.S. and led them to Empire State. We entered up and enjoyed amazing view over the city.

view from 5th avenue at Empire State
Germany, Hongkong, US, Brazil, US, Vietnam

on top of Empire State
view from Empire State
view to Freedom tower downtown - right hand side Statue of Liberty

view to Times Square

I also used the time to buy some stuff for family and went for a starbucks coffee. Next data was scheduled on Broadway. We had dinner at „Camines“. It was a real nice evening. Highlight was the performance of NYPD-pipers – very impressive. 

NYPD pipers performance at "Camines"
dinner on broadway
Late night we found an Irish pub near and had a Guiness. Next morning  Xavier and me walked for United Nations building at East-Hudson. Xavier worked there a couple of years ago during his stay in the U.S.
At 10.00 am we checked out. Busses took us (escorted by NYPD patrol cars) to West-Hudson-river. At Hudson-pier we entered FDNY ship „343“ and shipped for a habour tour. Ship name „343“ is dedicated to the 343 fallen firefighters on 9/11. New York City offered us a cold, cloudy Sunday-morning. It was very cold on deck – we enjoyed Manhattan Skyline, Ellis- and Staten Island from seaside.

Germany, Bangladesh
FDNY "343" at Hudson River

Our counselor - Brian a tough, smart guy

on board

Shawn from Ohio and me

Skyline of Manhattan

Ellis Island


Brooklyn Bridge

Freedom Tower

 After return busses took us to ground zero at 9/11 memorial. We particpated NYPD ceremony and put a wreath of NA 259 to remember. Further we visited the 9/11 museum.

ceremeony at 9/11 memorial

 Last table of content was a short visit of Freedom tower. The tower is still under construction, but we got an exclusive preview inside on 65 floor.

inside Freedom tower

furniture at 65th floor - freedom tower

meeting board

France, Albania, Germany

After lunch in O’Haras we left New York City. We arrived Quantio at 11pm and felt down into bed. New York City in 48 hours was a big challenge.

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